If you're a real estate agent who is licensed in the state of New Hampshire, you know the struggle of figuring out how many continuing educations units (CEUs) you need every two years in order to renew your license. While determining how many credits you still need can feel like this:
We aim to provide you with the below guide to make keeping tracks of your CEUs simple and renewing your license painless! Be sure to read the whole thing to see what applies to you. Here's what you need:
One CORE class. This class must be 3 CEUs and must be approved with the NH Real Estate Commission. Check this website for a list of all approved classes. This is the only class you have to take if you're inactive. If you choose, you may take a second CORE class and it can count as an elective as long as it is with a different instructor.
12 elective credits. These 12 credits can be a combination of any approved one, two or three hour CEU classes that you may have taken at your local board, at your office, at ours, etc.
You should have a minimum total of 15 credits every two years.
One Code of Ethics class. This class must be approved for 3 CEUs in NH. This can count towards your 12 elective credits.
This class is only required if you are a REALTOR (R), or are a member of a local board.
This requirement went into effect on January 1, 2020. It used to be required every two years.
The 12 credit hours of post-licensing education for any agent who will renew their license for the FIRST TIME on or after February 1, 2020 must consist of approved classes which can be found in CE Broker from the following four REQUIRED topics:
P & S Contracts
Ethical Behavior
Disclosure Forms
The 12 credit hours may also include one or more of approved classes in the following optional topics:
Fair Housing
New Construction
Conflict & Dispute Resolution
Broker Agreements
Our goal is to provide eight options each year for you to take these classes!
We will label our Post-Licensing approved classes with a "PL" in our calendar. Each post-licensing course's number should also begin with a PL.
No one likes cramming in online credits at the eleventh hour! Here are some places to go for CEUs near you:
Cohen Closing & Title. We have an extensive calendar of upcoming CEU classes being taught all over the state! Check them out on our calendar page.
Your Local Board. The NH Real Estate Boards are great resources for credits. Find your local board below: