Ever wonder what happens to the photo we snap at your closing? Hint: it doesn't just get posted to our Facebook page!
Here at Cohen Closing & Title we have created a culture of going to extra mile - or degree as we put it. “Going 212” has become a big part of our vocabulary thanks to Sam Parker who wrote 212 The Extra Degree. The whole idea is that at 211 degrees, water is hot, but as 212 degrees, it boils. With boiling comes steam, and that steam creates the energy and power that drives us here at Cohen Closing! One of the many ways we crank up the heat and go 212 here is through our Polaroid Project.
After receiving feedback from our real estate agent and lender referral partners who were finding difficulty reconnecting with past clients, we launched the project in 2018 using closing photos we already had. These polaroids have proven to be a great touch point to reconnect with past clients.
We typically take the picture right at the closing table once the deal has been sealed! Due to COVID, the closing table may have been the hood of the car, but best believe- we still took that picture! We hang these pictures in our office for one year, and send them to you - our referral partners - on the one year anniversary of the closing.
We encourage you to use the polaroids as an opportunity to get back in touch with past clients by mailing it back out to them! Not only does it put a smile on their faces, but it gives you a tangible reason to reconnect! And it reminds us of the fun we had at their closing just a year ago!